कम्प्यूटर की बुनियादी ज्ञान
माइक्रोसॉफ्ट विंडोज ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम
माइक्रोसॉफ्ट वर्ड
माइक्रोसॉफ्ट एक्सेल
माइक्रोसॉफ्ट पॉवरपॉइंट
माइक्रोसॉफ्ट एक्सेस
इंटरनेट और ई-मेल का प्रयोग
Basic Navigation
- Arrow Keys : Move one cell up, down, left, or right
- Ctrl + Arrow Keys : Move to the edge of data region
- Home : Move to the beginning of a row
- Ctrl + Home : Move to the beginning of the worksheet
- Ctrl + End : Move to the last cell with data on the worksheet
- Page Up/Page Down : Move one screen up or down
- Alt + Page Up/Page Down : Move one screen to the left or right
Cell Formatting
- Ctrl + 1 : Format cells dialog box
- Ctrl + B : Apply or remove bold formatting
- Ctrl + I : Apply or remove italic formatting
- Ctrl + U : Apply or remove underline formatting
- Alt + E + S + V : Paste special (values only)
- Ctrl + Shift + $ : Apply currency format
- Ctrl + Shift + % : Apply percentage format
- Ctrl + Shift + # : Apply date format
- Ctrl + Shift + @ : Apply time format
- Ctrl + Shift + ^ : Apply exponential format
- Ctrl + Shift + & : Apply outline border
- Ctrl + Shift + _ : Remove outline border
- Ctrl + C : Copy
- Ctrl + X : Cut
- Ctrl + V : Paste
- Ctrl + Z : Undo
- Ctrl + Y : Redo
- Ctrl + D : Fill down
- Ctrl + R : Fill right
- Ctrl + F : Find
- Ctrl + H : Replace
- F2 : Edit the active cell
- Shift + F2 : Insert or edit a comment
- Ctrl + K : Insert hyperlink
- Ctrl + - : Delete the selected cells
- Ctrl + Shift + "+" : Insert new cells, rows, or columns
Workbook Management
- Ctrl + N : New workbook
- Ctrl + O : Open workbook
- Ctrl + S : Save workbook
- Ctrl + P : Print
- Ctrl + W : Close workbook
- Ctrl + Tab : Switch between open workbooks
- Ctrl + Shift + Tab : Switch to the previous workbook
Working with Rows and Columns
- Ctrl + Space : Select entire column
- Shift + Space : Select entire row
- Ctrl + Shift + "+" : Insert a new row/column
- Ctrl + "-" : Delete the selected row/column
- Alt + E + I + R : Insert a row
- Alt + E + I + C : Insert a column
- Alt + H + D + R : Delete row
- Alt + H + D + C : Delete column
Formula Shortcuts
- Alt + "=" : AutoSum
- Ctrl + ` : Show formulas
- Ctrl + Shift + Enter : Enter an array formula
- F4 : Repeat the last action or toggle relative/absolute cell references in formulas
- Ctrl + A : Open Function Arguments dialog box when a formula is selected
- Shift + F3 : Insert a function
Data and Selection
- Ctrl + T : Create a table
- Ctrl + Shift + L : Toggle filters on or off
- Ctrl + A : Select entire worksheet
- Ctrl + Shift + * (asterisk) : Select current region around active cell
- Ctrl + Shift + O : Select all cells with comments
- Shift + Arrow Keys : Extend the selection by one cell
- Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Keys : Extend the selection to the last non-blank cell in that direction
- F1 : Open Help
- Alt + F11 : Open Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) editor
- Alt + F8 : Open Macro dialog box
- Ctrl + 9 : Hide selected rows
- Ctrl + Shift + 9 : Unhide hidden rows within selection
- Ctrl + 0 : Hide selected columns
- Ctrl + Shift + 0 : Unhide hidden columns within selection
Advanced Navigation
- Ctrl + G (or F5) : Go to a specific cell or range
- Ctrl + [ : Jump to the precedent cell of a formula
- Ctrl + ] : Jump to the dependent cell of a formula
- Ctrl + Shift + F6 : Switch to the previous workbook window
- Alt + Down Arrow : Display the AutoComplete list for cell data
- Ctrl + Shift + Space : Select the entire worksheet
Advanced Editing
- Ctrl + Alt + V : Open the Paste Special dialog box
- Ctrl + E : Flash Fill (automatically fills in values based on patterns)
- Alt + Enter : Start a new line within a cell
- Ctrl + Shift + F : Open the Format Cells dialog box with the Font tab selected
- Ctrl + Shift + P : Open the Format Cells dialog box with the Font tab selected
Workbook and Worksheet Management
- Shift + F11 : Insert a new worksheet
- Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down : Move to the previous/next worksheet
- Alt + O + H + R : Rename the current worksheet
- Alt + H + O + I : AutoFit column width
- Alt + H + O + A : AutoFit row height
- Ctrl + Shift + F3 : Create names from the selection (e.g., top row, left column)
- Ctrl + Shift + U : Expand or collapse the formula bar
- Ctrl + Shift + O : Select cells with comments
Advanced Data Handling
- Ctrl + Shift + : (colon) : Insert the current time
- Ctrl + ; (semicolon) : Insert the current date
- Ctrl + Shift + " (quote) : Copy the value from the cell above to the active cell
- Ctrl + Shift + # : Apply date format with day, month, and year
- Ctrl + Alt + L : Reapply the filter and sort on the current range
- Alt + A + E : Text to Columns wizard
- Alt + A + Q : Open the Data Consolidation dialog
- Alt + A + G : Group selected rows or columns
- Alt + A + U + U : Ungroup selected rows or columns
Pivot Table Shortcuts
- Alt + N + V : Create a new PivotTable
- Alt + J + T + F : Open the Field List for the PivotTable
- Alt + J + T + S : Show or hide the PivotTable Field Headers
- Alt + J + T + R : Refresh the PivotTable
- Alt + J + T + W : Move the PivotTable to a new worksheet
Working with Macros
- Alt + F8 : Open the Macro dialog box to run, create, or delete macros
- Alt + F11 : Open the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) editor
- Ctrl + Shift + F8 : Extend a selection or block (using arrow keys)
Working with Charts
- F11 : Create a chart on a new sheet using the current range
- Alt + F1 : Create an embedded chart using the current range
- Ctrl + Shift + F3 : Create chart titles using cell data
- Ctrl + 1 : Format chart elements (when a chart element is selected)
- Alt + J + C + A : Add or remove chart elements
- Alt + J + C + E : Change the chart type
- Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Key : Select data range for chart
- Ctrl + Shift + 5 : Apply percentage format to the selected data series
Miscellaneous Functions
- Ctrl + F3 : Open the Name Manager
- Ctrl + Alt + F9 : Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks
- Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F9 : Recheck dependent formulas and then calculate all cells in all open workbooks
- Ctrl + Shift + U : Expand or collapse the formula bar
- Ctrl + F10 : Maximize or restore the selected workbook window
- Alt + F8 : Display the Macro dialog box
- Alt + F11 : Open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Editor
- Alt + Q : Close the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Editor
Special Selection Shortcuts
- Ctrl + Shift + Space : Select the entire worksheet
- Shift + F8 : Add to selection (use arrow keys to select additional cells without losing the current selection)
- Ctrl + / : Select the array containing the active cell
- Ctrl + Shift + + (Plus) : Insert a new cell, row, or column
- Ctrl + Shift + - (Minus) : Delete a cell, row, or column
- Ctrl + Shift + | (Pipe) : Select cells in the current column that don't match the value in the active cell
Formula and Calculation Shortcuts
- Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F9 : Force a complete recalculation of all formulas in all open workbooks
- Ctrl + Shift + ` (Grave Accent) : Toggle between displaying cell values and formulas
- Ctrl + Alt + F9 : Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks
- F9 : Calculate the active worksheet
- Ctrl + ` : Show all formulas
- Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ` : Toggle data table formulas on or off
Advanced Data Operations
- Alt + A + M : Remove duplicates in the selected data
- Alt + A + F + T : Open the Filter dropdown menu for the selected cell
- Alt + E + A + A : Clear all contents, formats, comments, and hyperlinks in the selected range
- Ctrl + Shift + L : Apply or remove filters
- Ctrl + Shift + K : Apply a custom filter
- Alt + A + H : Sort data in ascending order
- Alt + A + H + D : Sort data in descending order
Text and Comments Handling
- Alt + R + C : Insert a new comment or note in the selected cell
- Shift + F2 : Edit the comment or note in the selected cell
- Ctrl + Shift + R : Reply to a comment in the thread
- Alt + R + N : Show or hide the notes pane
Window Management
- Ctrl + F10 : Maximize or restore the selected workbook window
- Ctrl + F7 : Move the workbook window (after pressing this shortcut, use arrow keys to move the window and press Enter to finalize)
- Alt + F5 : Restore the window size for the workbook window
- Ctrl + W : Close the active workbook window
- Alt + Space : Open the control menu for the active workbook window (useful for quickly minimizing, maximizing, or closing the window)
Ribbon and Menu Navigation
- Alt : Activate the ribbon (and see KeyTips for quick access to commands)
- Alt + H : Access the Home tab on the ribbon
- Alt + N : Access the Insert tab on the ribbon
- Alt + P : Access the Page Layout tab on the ribbon
- Alt + M : Access the Formulas tab on the ribbon
- Alt + A : Access the Data tab on the ribbon
- Alt + R : Access the Review tab on the ribbon
- Alt + W : Access the View tab on the ribbon
- Ctrl + F1 : Show or hide the ribbon
Customization and Miscellaneous
- Alt + F : Open the File tab to access options such as save, open, print, etc.
- Alt + F4 : Close Excel
- Alt + T + O : Open Excel Options for customization
- Alt + T + M : Open the Macro dialog box for managing macros
- Alt + F8 : Run, create, or edit macros
- Alt + Shift + F10 : Display the menu or message for an error-checking button
- Ctrl + Shift + T : Reopen the last closed workbook